Be part of something great. Make a difference to yourself and those around you.
The fundamentals program follows a twelve-month curriculum, and gives students a good foundation in the basics of the music, movement and martial techniques of capoeira
New students don't immediately qualify for the leadership program. This curriculum is designed to get students the the rank of Yellow Cord and beyond.
Our school holds official rank advancement ceremonies twice a year. These events, called batizados, bring in visitors from all over the country, and create great opportunities for special workshops and special training.
his website includes plenty of videos, articles, and other tools to help you review and break down all of the techniques you'll be developing as you train this fascinating art form.
Supplement your capoeira fundamentals with our training videos for capoeira acrobatics, Portuguese lessons, and music instructionals. Capoeira is a huge sport, and well-roundedness is important.
The leadership program curriculum included on this site contains additional tools to help students that have set the goal to train to the rank of Yellow Cord. These are resources for acrobatics, music, language training, the grappling curriculum and much more.
Our online forums put in touch with other capoeiristas around the world. Exchange ideas, learn new movements, debate history. It's all there to help you grow your capoeira knowledge and experience.