Week 8 - Leadership Application Part 2

Before being accepted into our leadership program at the academy students must have a simple evaluation filled out by their instructor. We can better measure the succes of our students by tracking their progress as time goes on. As instructors we have committed to making sure that we really are delivering on all of the promises we've made to our own students. By tracking student progress we're able to see exactly how we're doing at this.

You can download Part Two of the Leadership Applications here:

Leadership Application Youth (ages 6-17)

Leadership Application Adult (ages 18+)

There will be a number of times throughout your training when you'll have the opportunity to be evaluated (and also evaluate others). Ranking progress is one of these times. If you haven't already read about the batizado, you should take a moment and do that. Click here to learn more about the batizado.  The batizado is an exciting time that gives students the opportunity to train with visiting instructors, track their own progress, and receive some more personalized feedback from their own instructors.

As soon as you finish filling out the leadership applications hand them in to your instructor. They'll set up a time to review with you some of the benefits of being in the program, and help to get you signed up.

As always, if you need more assistance, or if you have any questions we'd love to hear from you. Talk to your instructor or the front-desk staff and we'll help you in any way that we can.

See you in class!