Week 4 - Discipline

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment” – Jim Rohn

We must learn to prioritize, to organize, to dream, and plan and prepare…but when it comes down to it – discipline and hard work are required if we want to achieve anything important. Anything worthwhile is worth working for and if we never learn to work, we’re unlikely to have much worthwhile to enjoy or to share with others.

The first area of focus within the leadership program is “self-leadership” or in essence, “self-discipline.” Practicing capoeira will help you practice discipline in one of the most enjoyable ways imaginable, because most capoeira students are motivated to work hard at their training because of a huge positive love of the sport. New students also find themselves associating with other, more experienced, disciplined capoeiras and begin, even unintentionally, to adopt their work-ethic.

If we want to have the things that most people have, we don’t need to do much different than anyone else. But if we, instead, want to live an exceptional life, want to accomplish ambitious goals, want to have more health, happiness, and security than most people around us, we have to be willing to work harder than most people. The price we pay for the good things we desire is discipline.

Begin practicing self-discipline this week by printing out the “I didn’t have to be asked” activity below.

I didn’t have to be asked – Kids

A self-discipline exercise – Adults

Kids! Complete the “I didn’t have to be asked activity” and turn it in to your instructor and receive red attitude stripe.